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Jam on Ham

Book Five of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read


Book 5 covers words of the “am” family. It also contains the word, “I.”  By the end of this book, your student is well versed in words containing this short “a” sound, and will have certainty when faced with words containing this letter. Having gained this certainty and being able to read simple three and four letter words it is a real achievement for the student. He should feel proud, and you should, too. You have started the student on the road to reading, and that road will serve him well for his entire life.

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A Fan Ran!

Book Four of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read


Book 3 concentrates on "an" words, including the word, "and," and additionally, enters in the symbol of the exclamation point. It is just as important that a student understand the symbols presented as it is that he understand the words and letters of the book. Here we are continuing to practice the student in one new sound at a time until he is proficient with it. Meanwhile, he is reading more and more on his own!

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Cats Bats Hats Rats

Book Three of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read


Book 3 contains words with the combination of “ap” and “at” words. Additionally, as the student now has fairly well learned short “a” sounds, this book introduces the addition of an “s” to the end of some words. This is a consonant sound which the student should easily be able to incorporate onto the end of simple three letter words by this time.

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Sad Mad Bad Glad

Book Two of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read


Book 2 concentrates on three letter “ad” words. It additionally contains one four letter word with a “gl” combination (glad). There is generally a great sense of accomplishment for the student to actually sound out and be able to read a four letter word so soon in his learning. Your reader will love the funny illustrations and will laugh at the story as he reads his second book to you, all by himself.

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Book One of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read


In the first book, the primary sound the student will practice is the short “a” sound followed by a “t.” In this book, this is practiced by learning to read various words using this “at” combination. The student should be encouraged to sound out each word by sounding out the sound that each letter makes. Your student will be reading on his own in this very first book and that sets him off with a start which says to him, "I can do it!"

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Set One of the Single Sound System of Teaching Someone to Read

Books 1-5


The success to teaching anyone to read is to teach one sound at a time. Our Phonics Readers practice the student in one vowel sound at a time. When the student masters one sound at a time, he or she can easily learn to read without overwhelm or confusion. Books 1-5 begins the emerging reader on this path at a gentle pace.

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