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Glossary of Names

The following glossary includes the names of the main characters and places in the Odyssey.

Achaeans: a collective name of the Greeks (used interchangeably with Danaans and Argives)

Achilles: son of Peleus, greatest of the Achaean warriors at Troy, where he died and was buried.

Aegisthus: son of Thyestes, lover of Clytaemnestra and murderer of Agamemnon.

Aeolus: son of Hippotas, god of the winds, living on the island Aeolia.

Agamemnon: son of Atreus, king of Argos, leader of the Achaean forces which attacked and destroyed Troy.

Agelaus: son of Damastor, one of the Suitors.

Ajax: (1) son of Telamon, greatest Achaean warrior after Achilles at Troy, where he died and was buried; (2) son of Oïleus, Achaean warrior at Troy.

Alcinous: son of Nausithous, husband of Arete, king of the Phaeacians.

Amphimedon: son of Melaneus, one of the Suitors.

Amphinomus: son of Nisus, one of the Suitors from Dulichium.

Amphitrite: divine wife of Poseidon, a sea goddess.

Anticleia: daughter of Autolycus, mother of Odysseus.

Antinous: son of Eupeithes, one of the leaders of the Suitors.

Antiphates: king of the Laestrygonians.

Aphrodite: divine daughter of Zeus and Hera, goddess of erotic love.

Apollo: divine son of Zeus and Leto, often called Phoebus or Phoebus Apollo.

Arcesius: father of Laertes and thus Odysseus’ grandfather.

Ares: divine son of Zeus and Hera, god of war.

Arete: wife of Alcinous, queen of the Phaeacians.

Argives: see Achaeans.

Artemis: divine daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt.

Athena: divine daughter of Zeus, goddess of wisdom.